Can I Settle an Insurance Claim without An Attorney?

Prosecuting an injury claim requires expert knowledge of tort and insurance law. There are many pitfalls for an injury victim trying to navigate the claims process alone. An experienced injury attorney will make sure to avoid those pitfalls so you receive fair compensation for the financial losses caused by your injuries. Below are common questions we hear from people thinking about hiring an injury attorney.

How Soon Should I Hire an Injury Attorney?

Choosing the right health care providers is important to a claim. Many health care facilities are net set up to bill third-party liability insurance companies for injuries caused in a car wreck or slip and fall. It can be very difficult to find health care providers willing to wait for their bills to be paid. Experienced injury attorneys will usually have a network of physical therapists, chiropractors, and medical specialists that treat people pursuing injury claims against third parties. This ensures their clients are getting the best medical treatment available without the stress of unpaid bills.

Can I Obtain My Medical Records and Bills Myself?

Once you are finished with treatment, you must gather medical records and bills from your health care providers to support your claim. This is a tedious process that requires HIPAA compliant authorizations and dealing with third-party records custodians. Gathering all of the records and bills takes time and persistence. An injury law firm will have systems in place to request, collect, and pay for medical records and bills in a timely fashion.

Can I Obtain Other Information to Support My Claim without An Attorney?

At the same time you are seeking treatment for your injuries, you must gather time-sensitive information such as traffic and surveillance video footage, cell phone records, and witness statements. This information is critical to your case and some of it can be lost as early as a week after the accident.

There are multiple other forms of documentation that could be useful for recovering a higher settlement for your claim, including lost wage documentation, car repair estimates, and diminished property value reports. The challenge is knowing what is needed for your claim. A law firm that specializes in helping injury victims will collect everything you need for your case so you can focus on getting better.

Why Do I Need an Attorney to Deal with The Insurance Company?

The third-party insurance company is a for profit business that will do all it can to avoid paying your claim. First, the “friendly” adjuster will delay your claim by requesting countless and unnecessary documentation. The insurance company wants to keep as much of its money as possible, for as long as possible. This allows them to continue to earn interest on the money while you are hounded by collections for unpaid medical bills.

After delaying your claim, the insurance company will offer you pennies on the dollar or deny the claim outright. This is the moment that most people decide to hire an injury attorney. A good injury attorney can still help at this point, but it is much more difficult than if the attorney was involved from the start.

To learn more about the frustrating tactics used by insurance companies, click here.

So when Is the Best Time to Hire an Injury Attorney?

Contact an attorney as soon as possible to help with your injury claim. The injury attorneys at Biesterveld & Crook, LLC are happy to take the stress off your shoulders and fight for the compensation you deserve.

If you are worried about the cost of an attorney – most personal injury lawyers, including those at Biesterveld & Crook, LLC, work on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no upfront costs. There is no harm in meeting with an attorney for a free consultation before deciding how to proceed. Give us a call or click here to begin your journey to full health and acquiring maximum compensation for your claim.

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